Error Code Defs
this is the data used to decode the Internal Server Error. Ref: ServerError XXXXX messages
/* Error Code layout (wip)
- code # ABCDE
A = category (0-server, 1-player, 2-command, 3-destiny, 4-cosmic mgr, 5-market, 6-inventory, 7-service, 8-, 9-other)
B = system (0-character, 1-location, 2-system, 3-item, 4-planet, 5-ship, 6-module, 7-agent, 8-, 9-effects)
C = subsystem (0-other, 1-self, 2-target, 3-charge, 4-calculate, 5-init, 6-pilot, 7-skill, 8-bind, 9-timer)
D = type (0-create, 1-destroy, 2-check, 3-change, 4-move, 5-update, 6-save, 7-load, 8-decode, 9-encode)
E = error (0-undef, 1-not init, 2-oob, 3-not found, 4-offline, 5-overflow/max, 6-, 7-unknown, 8-invalid, 9-not implemented)