@jdhirst again, thank you for this opportunity to engage with a current developer of evemulator.
One thing that has always been (super) lacking on every iteration of EVEmulator is documentation in a sensible manner. The OLD Wiki you have imported is pretty close to readable and understandable, but a bit out of date with the new code.
I do not care for Docker or the mysteries behind how that all works. I'm a hands-on kinda kid, and like to compile sources myself, manage dependencies, etc. Docker is too mystical for me. Given that, I cannot seem to (simply) CMake and Make the current git master code.
I also tried the old-school VS2019/cmake-gui approach, but I think too many dependencies are not being tracked properly so that of course fails as well (which is why I am back to Linux). Which, btw, worked perfectly about a week ago!! I had the server up and running, but had to revert the VM snapshot for something unrelated being wrong... and now trying to compile again and getting an error:
error: ‘my_bool’ was not declared in this scope;
I swear, sometimes I think Linux is out to get me 
TL;DR - I'm looking for a simple guide to compiling EVE Crucible from your repo Master without using Docker - just my nix server environment. Any advice?
TY again for kick-starting this project. Hopefully it'll be around forever now.